Kate sorry that I thought you were taking the piss xx
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Kate sorry that I thought you were taking the piss xx
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Kate, unless you grew up in Watford, you did not deliver newspapers to Andy Ridgleys home, as he grew up in Bushey Heath, and attended Cassio college in Watford with George Michael whose parents owned a Greek restaurant in Bushey. They both attended Cassio college, as did the three girl back-up singers who appeared on Top of the pops with them when they were " Wham" doing the first hit.
Furthermore Andy Ridgely purchased a nightclub in Rickmansworth,which was co-owned with a group of his former "we" fucked our exams up friends from Cassio college Watford, and my brother was almost apart of that bankrupt adventure.
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Not sure why "talesin" got a red thumb, but it kind of reminds me of "Juke Box Jury" a T.V music show where songs were judged and given a " hit" or " miss" by the jury. It's interesting to note the jury that gave misses were often so wrong.
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Krejames " in the town I live we have a well known musical academy and some of the buskers we get are amazing"
The Rebel. Not sure how to relate that comment to my post, but Brian Connolly lead singer of the Sweet born in Glasgow Scotland ended up a drunk in every pub in Rickmansworth until his death. For the record "The Sweet" had 3 consecutive number ones in the Uk, and sold over 5 million albums. I grew up in Rickmansworth just outside Watford, and Brian Connolly was a permanent fixture in the local pubs, or crashed out on a park bench. I know he lived in a council house in Mill- End for a few years, and I know from many of the people that drunk in the pubs he drunk in he was a great guy who had an alcohol problem.
I also remember when I was 6 or 7 Anne Clementson my first puppy love offering to pay me 1 penny for each of my collection of magazine pictures of the band, and I wish I had suggested a kiss instead.
The Rebel.
a very close friend of mine has gotten his letter.
although he was planning to leave willingly, he told me that he can't help but feel a sense of being stabbed in the back by a bunch of self righteous traitors.
he gave tours for years, always telling the visitors "this is the best way of life, i would never change anything here and i'll never regret making this decision to come here.
Don't delay, lets vote is DJS a "dick " or an " ass"?
As a " misguided but well intentioned poster " I will reply with my "no skill and no talented " answer DJS is a "dick". But having had DJS communicate and respond to many of my threads I am not totally convinced. In fact i wouldn't even call him an ass. But don't take my word for it, read his post history, there is no limit to the great and thoughtful comments he has given. And I do appreciate it...thanks
The Rebel.
this post is not to be read by those employed by the w.t who monitor this site.
dear board members,.
let me clarify why I started this O.P.
I once started an O.P " Is my friend on the way out of the organization?"
I asked the question based on email communication we shared. This is one his emails:-
"just to start , just to confirm I am a Ministerial Servant, my wife and two of my children are pioneers, my other child left home he could not live within the constraints of our faith"
As our personal emailing continued he opened up more about his concerns on the Royal Commision in Australia eat, ect. Sadly I could not bring him to research on this board, but I had hoped he was on the way out. Very sadly when I contacted him about coming to the football with me this Saturday, ( I now live far from watford, but I am going to the match this Saturday) he replied " I go with P...l J....y , and sit next to Matthew H....y and Ri....g h...n." And as these people are witnesses I got the hint I was not welcome. I guess he compromised his moral and ethical conscience for family and friendship.
Personally who am I to judge? But It does make me appreciate the value of sites like this, because it gives those questioning contact with those that have followed through on similar questions in similar circumstances and have had the guts to leave.
The Rebel.
all these damn years in that damn cult -- remember how they tell you that jehovah looks upon those "who are sighing and groaning" (at all the terrible things being done.... focusing on all the evils and woes of the world and satan's system) -- and that all this sighing & groaning is some sort of mark of holiness?????.
every negative news article, every bad bit of something or circumstance - all support and become part of that woeful mindset.
and we are supposed to keep on being like that, sighing and groaning our lives away to receive some sort of damn mark from an angel's ink horn, to mark us as worthy of life..
all these damn years in that damn cult -- remember how they tell you that jehovah looks upon those "who are sighing and groaning" (at all the terrible things being done.... focusing on all the evils and woes of the world and satan's system) -- and that all this sighing & groaning is some sort of mark of holiness?????.
every negative news article, every bad bit of something or circumstance - all support and become part of that woeful mindset.
and we are supposed to keep on being like that, sighing and groaning our lives away to receive some sort of damn mark from an angel's ink horn, to mark us as worthy of life..
Muddy Waters " Sighing and Groaning" is not a mark of holiness...! ( Rant !)
The Rebel. ( A) So true, it gives very little pleasure, and is quite embarrassing. I only wish I had been deaf and damaged my hearing aid when I sat through all those meetings, because then I would have appreciated the merciful tone of silence is better than W.T bullshit.
The Rebel.
this post is not to be read by those employed by the w.t who monitor this site.
dear board members,.
This post is NOT to be read by those employed by the W.T who monitor this site. PROMISE?
Dear board members,
Just a short post to thank you for helping me learn the truth about the W.T. Your efforts have been greatly appreciated. Absorbing all the information has been sobering. It's a great shame as individuals we can't sue the watchtower for wasted years, but in retaliation I have decided to take the bandages off and make the most of life.
And my reason for the post?
This new found fun in my life owes much of its existence to the hard work and dedicated courageous people that have opened there life's up, and given there testimony here.
The Rebel.
p.s sorry to disappoint but this isn't a goodbye post.
May I respectfully suggest you could add a comment field on the survey for each question, that way you may receive additional valuable feedback.
The Rebel.